AWS - Creating A MySQL Free Tier RDS Database

In this blog post I will be creating a MySQL RDS database in AWS free tier:

Click Services then click RDS

Click Create database

Click MySQL

Click Free tier

Give the database a name

Specify the admin ID and master password

Choose your DB instance size, you can leave this default if you're not sure

Choose Storage type, Allocated storage, choose if you want to enable storage autoscaling and the maximum threshold

Choose a VPC to use, you can use the default for the purpose of this demonstration

Choose how you would like to authenticate

Choose the initial database name, DB parameter group, option group, and if you want to enable back ups, you can leave the default settings

If enabling automatic backups choose the retention period, the back up window (you would want to choose off hours time preferably), if you want to enable enhanced monitoring and which logs to export

Choose if you want to automatically be upgraded to new minor version upgrades, if you want to use a maintenance window, and if you want to enable deletion protection

Click Create database

The database is now being created

Join me in a future blog post where I will continue to test the AWS free tier.