AWS - Creating an EC2 Instance

In the last blog post I showed you how to create a free tier billing alert:

In this blog post I will be showing you how to create an EC2 instance, configure a security group, create a new key pair and launch the instance.

Click Services then EC2

Click Instances

Click Launch Instance

Choose 64bit Amazon Linux 2 AMI which is Free Tier eligible and click Select 

Click Configure Instance Details

Leave all settings default for now and click Next Add Storage

Here you can attach additional storage or encrypt your store. You should also leave the Delete on Termination check box checked so that the storage will also delete when you delete the instance. Click Next Add Tags

Click Next Configure Security Groups

Create a new security group, give it a name and description, then click Review and Launch. Note that SSH is enabled by default and from IP which allows all IP addresses to connect. You can change this setting to only allow your IP address for enhanced security. We will connect to the instance in the next blog post

Review the settings then click Launch

Click the drop down menu and select Create a new key pair. Give the key pair a name then click Download Key Pair

They key pair file downloads. Click Launch Instance

Click the instance ID to check the status

Here you can check the status of the instance launching, you can also manage the instance.

Join me in the next blog post where we will be connecting to our new instance:

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