AWS - Create A VPC, Subnets, Internet Gateway, and Edit Routes

In the previous blog post we created an EBS Volume:

In this blog post we will be creating a new VPC, creating 2 subnets, an internet gateway, and then creating a new Route Table and then editing routes in our network.

Click Services then VPC

Click VPCs then Create VPC

Give the VPC a name, choose your CIDR block, change any other settings if necessary then click Create

Your VPC has been created, click Close

Click Subnets then Create subnet

Type a subnet name and choose the VPC we just created or any other VPC you wish to use.

Choose an Availability Zone

Specify an IPv4 CIDR block, if you're not sure you can use the one I'm using in this example

Click Close

Click Create subnet again

Type in the name of the new subnet

Choose the VPC we created earlier or any VPC you wish to use

Specify an IPv4 CIDR block for this subnet, if you're not sure which to use you can use the one in my example

The subnet has been created. Click Close

Click Internet Gateways then click Create Internet Gateway

Give the Internet Gateway a name and click Create

The Internet Gateway was created, click Close

Click Route Tables then click Create Route Table

Type a name for the route table

Choose the VPC we created earlier or any other VPC that you wish to use then click Create

Select the route you just created then click Actions then Edit Routes

Here you can configure routes to and from any IP address to and from your Internet Gateway/VPC etc.

Join me in the next blog post where we will be creating an nginx container using Fargate
