AWS - Create Free Tier Billing Alert

In the last blog post I showed you how to customize the AWS sign in URL:

In this post I will be showing you how to create a AWS free tier billing alert to be sent to the email address you specify. While there are many resources available to you under the AWS free tier, it is very important that you set up billing alerts to avoid a surprise bill in case you accidentally forget to delete resources that are no longer needed. In this example I set an email alert after $5 USD.

Click your account name and then click My Billing Dashboard

Click Billing Preferences then check the box named Receive Free Tier Usage Alerts, enter your email address then check the Receive Billing Alerts check box. Finally click Save Preferences

Click the Manage Billing Alerts link

Click Billing 
Click Create Alarm

Scroll down to Define the threshold value, enter the amount of money you desire then click Next

Under Create a new topic create a unique topic name then enter the email addresses that will receive the notifications and click Create Topic

Click View SNS Console

You will see Pending Confirmation under subscriptions, open your email inbox to confirm

Click on the Confirm Subscription link in the AWS Notifications email that was sent to you

Your subscription has been confirmed

Join me in the next blog post where I demonstrate how to create an EC2 instance in the AWS free tier:

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