AWS - Create Admin IAM User and Group

In this blog post I will be showing you how to create an admin IAM user ID with Administrator access so that you do not have to log into the management console as the root user unless necessary which follows best practices.

Click Services then click IAM

Click Users then click Add User

Click the corresponding check boxes as to whether you want programmatic access, AWS Management Console Access, or both 

Use either an autogenerated password or make a custom password, check whether you want the user to be forced to make a new password at next log on then click Next

Click Create Group

Type a group name, check the box for AWSAdministratorAccess then click Create User

Click Next

Add a tag if desired then click Next

Click Create User

Take note of the Secret Access key has this will be the only time you can see it, then click Close

You're all set. Now you can log into the AWS management console with full admin access without having to use the root user ID which you should now lock down and not use again unless needed

Join me in the next blog post where I will be helping you set up your password policy:

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