There is a file or folder on your computer called "C:\Program"

Came across an interesting error today:

  • There is a file or folder on your computer called "C:\Program" which could cause certain applications to not function correctly. Renaming it to "C:\Program1" would solve this problem. Would you like to rename it now?

In 10 years of IT work this was the first time I ever saw this error message. It was during the installation of an application hosted on a server.

The best thing to do is simply click rename. 

This error occurs because of how Windows handles environmental variables, in particular 32 bit and 64 bit applications use PROGRA~1 and PROGRA~2 and this folder can cause issues with that paths in which programs are installed. If you cannot rename the folder or file then it is probably in use. You may need to end the process, stop the service, or even boot to safe mode to rename the folder or file or delete it.

After this is done reboot your computer and the message will not return.

Check out the error page of this blog for help with other errors you may encounter:

Additional resources: