Adding Windows Server Back Up Feature to Windows Server 2019 and Taking a Backup Once

In our last blog post we added file server and file server resource manager to Windows Server 2019:

In this blog we will be installing another very important role, Windows Server Backup.

Every good IT person needs to have good back ups in place as a part of their Disaster Recovery Plan. When deploying a new system ask yourself "How would I recover this system if it were to fail?". While there are many other questions to ask and items to prepare for your Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning they are a bit in depth and so we will touch on them in a later blog post.

For now let's get Windows Server Backup running so that you can have some kind of a backup. What's great about Windows Server Backup is that it comes with the Windows Server license and therefore you do not have to purchase 3rd party software to have a back up of your server.

Windows Server Backup

Server Manager should open right as you log into the server but if it does not click Start then Server Manager. Click Add Roles and Features
Click Next
Click Role-based or feature-based installation then click Next
Click Select a server from the server pool then click Next
Don't select anything then click Next
Scroll down to and check Windows Server Backup then click Next
Click Install
Wait for the installation to complete
When it completes click Close
To open Windows Server Backup, back in Server Manager click Tools then click Windows Server Backup.
Click Local Backup then Backup Once
Click Different Options then click Next

Choose Remote Shared folder

I recommend this option because if you save it on a local drive what do you do if the drive or server fails? Backups should always be stored on remote systems and preferably remote off-site locations.

Click Next
Create a share on another server in your lab and note it in the box below, choose inherit then click Next
Review your settings then click Backup

Wait for the back up to complete